Tuesday, May 3, 2011

If Amazon Would Just Pay Their Reviewers, They Could Kick


I write on Associated Content, I am an Epinions pioneer (long gone now though), I write on Bukisa, here on my blog, I stumbleUpon at times, BrightHub is a hoot but requires too much time, and HubPages is in the terlit as far as I am concerned.

With all of the new changes google has put most writing community's through, it is impossible for me to figure out which venue to stick with, and I have pretty much given up on all of them, including my all time favorite AC, nor YCN! or something of that nature.

At any rate, it dawned on me in the past, at how quickly I would throw all of my sites to the curb if Amazon provided some sort of incentive to those sharing reviews, I mean COME ON! People are posting reviews for free, and that's just ... in a writers opinion, a waste of your time. Anything you provide, to help a company sell products should have been followed up by some sort of incentive, and honestly I do not know how many times I have purchased items off of amazon just based solely off of consumer reviews, so AMAZON hear me out, quit being greedy fucks, and start providing incentives to consumers who pay you, and those who review for free (idiots).

Even if they offered money towards future purchases, or something of that nature, this site very well could knock every other content site out of the park.