The Hills is coming to its end. Episode 10 will be an hour long and will be the final in the entire Hills saga! They are saying it is 'Laurens' final episode, but they never mentioned the other characters leaving the really it is anyones guess!
Anyhow in the most recent episode, Heidi is upset to hear the news from Stephanie that Lauren will not be attending her and Spencer's wedding. Heidi is bummed out to hear the news. She tells Spencer he must call Lauren and invite her to the wedding, and to apologize to Lauren for starting the sex tape rumor.
Spencer fights the notion to apologize to Lauren, because according to him, he does not apologize to anyone.
Heidi takes things into her own hands and walks herself into People's Revolution where she meets up with Lauren while she is working. She sits down and hands Lauren an invite to the wedding. Lauren however still cannot seem to separate her old BFF, from her old BFF's sidekick Spencer. At this point its still clear that Lauren wants nothing to do with Heidi so long as shes with Spencer. Yeah real mature. Blah!
Anyhow after a short conversation Lauren somehow twists her old horrible relationship with Jason by entwining it into Heidi and Spencer's. Whatever. You could tell Heidi had heard enough; she graciously excuses herself from the conversation.
Moving along to Audrina. She is at a local event with Stephanie enjoying the party. Stephanie learns that the party is Kelly's (the boss at People's Revolution who had Lauren fire her). Stephanie thinks about leaving, but Lo tells her that its unlikely she will even bump into Kelly seeing that there are so many people there.
Low and behold though, its kind of hard to hide when you have cameras following you everywhere. Kelly makes her way up to Stephanie and at first it seems to look as if it is going well. Kelly passes a rude comment, Stephanie throws one back at her... and the rest is history. Man this Kelly chick is really wild! I still think she plays the role of a wicked cool villain, by adding some mature spice to the fresh charm the show has.
Anyhow, on to Audrina. Shes has a run in with Brody and his girlfriend Jayde. Audrina overhears Brody talking smack about her, so she departs as quickly as she arrived. It was pretty foul on Brody's part, considering it takes two to tango. He seems to let Jayde wear the pants, so it's no wonder really.
Then the final great gusto in the show. Spencer actually dials Lauren and apologizes to her in a very mature, adult manner. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Lauren didn't really take his apology to heart, and you could tell. Regardless though, he was the bigger person this round, and did the right thing.
-Coming attractions for next week suggest that Lauren does in fact attend the wedding. A blast from the past will also be attending the wedding as well! Can anyone say Laguna Beach....Oh yeah! It's sure to be a good wrap to the show! At least I hope so!
Perhaps MTV will be giving a show to Kristen!?!?! Oh yeah!!!
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