Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Awesome Toilet Seat Website For All Your Poopin' and Peein' Theme Needs!

I was in the middle of buying my first home this month...and while we were awaiting contracts and all of that good stuff, I was shopping online for home fixtures that I knew we would need for the house.
However sometimes my mind gets sidetracked, and I end up finding things that I think I need, but I really don't.
One of my favorite finds was a collection of acrylic toilet seats! I mean heck, I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I'm either checking myself out in the mirror, showering, or...pooping and peeing.
I have lived in a simple home for 12 years, with a simple white toilet seat. Of course this is good ol' ma and pa's choice of toilet seats. Me though, I'm a unique wacky character. I don't like plain and simple white or solid colored bathrooms...I like themes.
Seeing how bathrooms involve a lot of running water, my new homes bathroom should have a sea theme right!? Or some sort of beachy theme.
Over at my needs were covered. They offer awesome acrylic seats with all types of wacky unique designs.
I had seen one acrylic seat in NYC 3 years ago. This clear acrylic seat had actual coins in it, and once installed as a toilet seat it would give of the illusion of floating coins. However the seat weighed nearly 50 pounds, and seeing how we took a train up to the city, there was no way in hell either of us were going to tug the toilet seat along. Plus at that time, I didn't need a toilet seat. There would be no way in hell mom and dad would want this bizarre thing in their bathroom. No way in hell!
However now that I am in the process of buying a home (or shall I say trying...first deal died!), I want my own bathroom toilet seat; the kind mom and dad would never allow in their precious bathroom.
My options on the site were huge, man oh man! I wanted a sea theme, but when I got a good look at the other clear acrylic toilets they had available my imagination began to run wild.
I could have a toilet seat with actual fishing lures in it, and deck out the bathroom into a fisherman's theme. I love fishing...but my boyfriend not so much.
Or hey how about a golf toilet seat? Nah, not for me, but this toilet seat is a golfers dream! Its got actual golfing pieces inside of the seat.
The site also offers an underwear clear acrylic toilet seat! I have no clue who, or why someone would go for that type of seat...but to you panty fetish freaks out there, this toilet seat is for you!
However the toilet seat for me is clearly the blue tropical fish toilet seat. It is a transparent blue color, with little fish figures inside of it. There is some seaweed, and sea shells inside of it to give it that sweet underwater feel.
Each toilet seat comes to $59.00. Compared to the seat in the city which was going for $129.00, these seats are a steal!
The best thing though on the site has to be the fish n flush toilet. This toilet is a clear acrylic piece where you can set up an actual aquarium in the toilet. Man oh man! I really want this piece, and at $289.00, it's not so bad!
You can put fish in this back aquarium, a spider, turtle...anything you want really. Or perhaps taking care of an animal is not for you...well then, fill it with whatever you'd like. The tank keeps the animals or the decoration you add safe from getting flushed. So it truly is unique if you are going for that personal touch in your bathroom.
Besides unique toilet seats the site also sells home wares, sunglasses, tools, beauty supplies, and more.
It's definitely worth a look.

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