Many uneducated people will tell you that a Bull Terrier is a mean
ferocious killing machine. Lots of these folks actually mistake this
breed for being the American Pit Bull Terrier simply because it is
called a Bull Terrier. In all reality though, the Pit Bull was actually
made from the Bully, not the other way around.
Some myths about the Bull Terrier is that they are not good with other animals, they will kill your other animals!
That's far from the truth, we introduced our Bull Terrier to a pack of
other very small dogs. The Bully now protects and watches over these
dogs like he is their daddy. I don't know who has mistaken kisses for
chomping, but our Bully is far from a monster.
However I am not here today to defend the Bull Terriers bad rap, I am
here today to discuss the funny, odd, and quirky behavior of a Bull
Terrie that makes them so damn irresistible and gross.
1. Our Bully goes on Bull runs (or so we like to call them). This is
the best thing to watch, and a Bull run can seriously mow the lawn. When
our Bully gets excited he will run so fast knocking everything from his
path. There is no stopping such a muscular dog while it is having an
exciting Bull Run. We actually had our dog weed an entire garden doing
his Bull run. You have to make sure you keep a close eye on the dog
while he's doing an excited frenzied run like this. Trees and fences
could hurt the dog.
2. Speaking of fences, our Bully seems to sometimes not see them, and
will charge right for one, only to bounce back and land on his rear end.
Seeing a Bully ram itself into a fence can be frightening to onlookers
only because the dog is so intimidating in appearance. In all actuality
though, the dog most likely wants to see what is going on, and the gate
fence bump was the dog being an idiot and getting excited.
Do not pet someones dog through a fence though, you never know how it will react.
3. The Bull Snore. This is probably the most annoying feature about a
Bull Terrier. They snore! Loud! Our Bully's snores were tolerable when
he was a puppy, but now that he is older and larger, his cute snores
went from cute to annoying.
4. Bull Farts! Oh my lord! This has to be the gassiest breed of
dog I have ever owned. This dog cannot sleep without farting at least 5
or 6 times a night. These farts are also atomic, and can clear a room.
The dog also farts so loud that you can hear it, and his ears will go up
in shock as he stares at his rear. 'What was that?!'
5. The Bull Terrier is not a yippy breed, and if they bark, they roar.
A Bull Terrier will only bark if there is an intruder, or if they are
truly upset by something. If your Bully barks, it means take notice.
6. Our Bully rammed himself into a fence and cut his nose open without
even yelping. The dog needed stitches, yet seemed unphased by the pain.
Bully's have a high tolerance to pain. If you see a wound on your Bull
Terrier take him in to get it checked, it may be worse than he lets it
out to be.
7. Our Bully loves to swim. It is not uncommon for this breed to
actually dip under water. A dipping Bully really draws a crowd, and will
amaze even you.
8. This breed is a bottomless pit, if our Bull Terrier is not being
watched he will eat just about anything, edible or not. It is not
uncommon for our dog to scarf down napkins, buttons, small toys, bugs
and other non digestible things. Keep a close eye out when your dog is
in the home. You truly have to Bully proof it, because the dog could
Also keep a close eye on the dog while outside at night. It turns my
stomach every time our Bully gets out and snacks on slugs.
9. The Bull gaze. This gaze can be frightening to onlookers, as a Bull
Terrier will keep a close eye on any passerby, and will also become
very alert if he hears a strange noise. The dog however will not move an
inch, but instead will just stare at the passerby or area where he
heard noise. It is only because the dog is curious, not because it wants
to kill whatever makes noise.
10. Tail Chase. Our Bully at times, like most breeds will chase after
it's tail. However because of his muscular body type, and size this tail
chase can look ridiculous, and you could get knocked over in the
process if you get in the way of his tail chase.
11. The Bull Stomp. Our Bull Terrier will jump up on it's hind legs
and pound down with his front legs over and over again until you finally
play with him. This Bull stomp can shake the room, and the dog looks
mental when he is doing this stomp.
The Bull Terrier has all sorts of quirky, and odd behaviors I have
never seen in another breed. From burping, and making faces that look as
if the dog is really smiling, and pouting while blowing air out of
their noses when they are disappointed. The Bull Terrier is an
interesting and beautiful breed, and should be given way more positive
credit than what people give them. They are not the cruel evil breed
that so many mistake them for.
They are fun, loving, and act more like humans than they do dogs.
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